The Standing Committees of the Post/Auxiliary as defined in the By-Laws of VFW Post 10950 are listed below. When you have read and decided on which committee(s) you wish to participate, select the COMMITTEE SIGN-UP button below. Each member of the VFW Post and Auxiliary is expected to sign-up and participate on at least one committee (including members not residing at the Outer Banks).
(a) Buddy Poppy/Relief
Using the Buddy Poppy Program Guidance brochure, organize drives, encourage volunteer participation, obtain drive authorization certificates (Walmart, etc.), and train members about the significance of the program. Maintain inventory of Buddy Poppies and identify requirements for reorders.
Working with the Service Officers, assist in identifying veterans and their families that need assistance. Establish guidelines for determining levels of support. Serve as source of information on Medical, Financial, Educational, and Vocational programs from the Veterans Administration. Coordinate with other resources for veteran support.
(b) Americanism/ Community/ Safety
This committee is responsible for such programs as Hospital, Adopt a Unit, Teacher of the Year, Yellow Ribbon, Family Days, student veterans, Color Guard, veterans ceremonies (9/11 event, Memorial Day events, Veterans Day activities, St. Patrick's Day Parade, and liaison with Advisory Councils. Coordinate veteran hospital and nursing home programs.
This committee is responsible for the public safety officer (first responders) awards programs for EMTs, fire fighting, and police awards programs.
(c) Membership/ Publicity
This committee is responsible for recruitment of new members and retaining current members of both the Post and Auxiliary. Establish program to identify new members and lead the Review Committee for vetting membership qualification. Maintain a listing of expiration dates for all annual memberships and coordinate with Quartermaster/Treasurer for notifications and contacts. Nominate annual member to be given Life Member status at Post/Auxiliary expense. Encourage Legacy Program participation.
Responsible for local press releases, photographic coverage, state and national media releases, and coordination with Membership for new member recruiting. Coordinate with webmasters and social media administrators to promote event attendance and reporting.
(d) Ways and Means
Create annual, mid-term, and long range budget projections for the organizations. Recommend lease and purchase planning, financial investment, and comptroller oversight. Principal group for all fund raising activities, including flag sales and annual dinner/live auction planning and coordinating. The Post Quartermaster is a member of this committee.
(e) Youth Activities
Lead programs for area schools, clubs, and youth groups participation in Patriot's Pen, Voice of Democracy, Patriotic Art, JROTC, flag etiquette, veterans in the classroom, scout of the year, Billy Brown Memorial Scholarship, Buddy Poppy King & Queen( in coordination with Buddy Poppy Committee), and similar programs.
(f) Bingo (Inactive, at this time)
(g) House (Inactive, at this time)